Damn, never made that connection about herschel. I like Stallones dredd just because it’s so quotable.
Eat recycled food. It’s good for the environment and okay for you.
Damn, never made that connection about herschel. I like Stallones dredd just because it’s so quotable.
Eat recycled food. It’s good for the environment and okay for you.
I just ignore imdb all together. The ratings they give are not useful and seem almost random.
Lol about Jupiter ascending. I wanted so bad for that movie to be good just because mila kuntis. I cant call it a masterpiece.
As above, so below having 29% seems a bit crazy. That shit freaked me out.
I always go by audience. The fact that they are critics seems like a type of selection bias.
This is one of those that HBO or something played non-stop for no apparent reason. It took me like 20 times clicking past it to finally watch it all but in the end I was ok with it.
I remember seeing 21. I honestly didn’t know it got bad reviews. It seemed fine for what it was.
We’ve also seen them do this shit with all these different rehab facilities. It’s a racket and rfk just wants in.
I remember screening league of extraordinary gentleman and all I could think is it was probably not for me. Not to say someone else wouldn’t like it. I feel like not everything should be rated based on its wide spread appeal.
I saw somewhere on reddit recently calling the book worse than the movie. I liked the book only because I got to envision my version of all the nostalgic iconography. I’m not sure why reddit was hating.
I’m talking about people like my dad. He would mask the truth from himself then go wait by the radio for them to make it make sense.
Lol, I really like premise too. It can be done better, tho.
That’s why I support all sorts of sci-fi that is complete garbage. I want the genre to thrive and if we stop showing up Hollywood stops giving money.
Give me the soundtrack, that’s all I need.
It’s like trumps directly referencing the events leading up to the great depression. It’s funny how conservatives have no clue.
Unless, now I know this is a giant stretch, trump is just a character created by a group of writers and workshopped on reality TV. It’s always been a joke that politics is just Hollywood for ugly people. Trump is the best of both worlds. Once in place he could, you know, enact some sort of larger project that has been in the works for years and years. Some sort of project that kicks off in 2025. How, though, how could they guarantee both parties would step aside and let trump do whatever he like? You’d have make bribery legal, in some way shape or form. Like if you could use money like you do speech you could influence people to do anything. The people would never accept it though. Some would see right through it. Unless you has some sort of new media that goes completely unregulated where anyone can lie and you can target people using the most sophisticated technology ever created.
Or you know it was probably the illuminati.
You think they sending people straight to auschwitz? Rfk already talked about this before the election. They would be voluntary work camps that you send your anti-social children to. If they bringing back auschwitz the first people to go won’t be the sons and daughters of people who can afford healthcare in this country.
If you want to scare people stick with things known to be true. Don’t have to make shit up when there is plenty of authoritarian activity going on right in the headlines.
It’s important not to peak too early. How was he ever suppose to top that?
I don’t know, there are lots of really good things about America. I am happy to be here rather then a laundry list of other counties.
Like it or not social media got us here. Just not your social media. I could argue with you all day but I won’t. Your message is stupid and a self defeating prophecy. 350000000 people in the US and I don’t need to turn you. I need to reach any other of the 3499999999 who won’t waste my time.
Ever get tired of the hole you live in come join us on the surface. Our drill is the drill that will pierce the heavens.