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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: January 4th, 2024

  • It also doesn’t take into account how Disney actually uses these movies.

    Disney makes the bulk of their pure profit in the theme parks.

    They just announced that they were dropping $50billion to upgrade the parks, with an expectation of making that back completely within 2-3 years.

    The movies, are seen as giant commercials for new merch and Disney parks.

    As long as the movie is seen favorably by the target age group (children who will want to go to Disney world) then it’s seen as a success.

    Then scenes from the movie can be used in the theme parks.

    As a note, the scenes used in the park, may have been made years before the movie was filmed.

  • Hydrogen fuel cells actually show quite a bit of promise. Mostly for large trucks. Batteries have a scaling issue. A battery powered 18-wheeler needs a much larger battery for a much shorter range.

    Adding more load means you need more battery, and that larger battery is just more load that you need to haul.

    This is sort of true with everything, but the important note is that a full battery and empty battery weigh the same.

    Anyway. Commercial use is where it makes sense. There are actually a few other technologies that make sense in the commercial transportation space. Like ammonia.

    Keeping these rather dangerous fuels commercial also allows for more strict safety standards.

  • Ukraine was a massive fuck up for Putin. He believes in the bullshit known as color revolution.

    So he thought he’d pull one in Ukraine. A few years of some soldiers fucking around in the East, then he’d walk in and be welcomed.

    Which is fucking stupid.

    But Putin has long since killed anyone who would tell him that an idea is stupid, or that people don’t work the way a paranoid, backstabbing KGB trained psychopath thinks they do.

    No, Putin fucked up hard due to the dictator trap.

    Now he’s scrambling. He’s been killing off rivals and opponents at a breakneck pace the last few years, all because his position has never been weaker.

    And he barely managed to diffuse a coup attempt.

    He had to use treachery to do it, so the next time, the coup leader will not back down.

    No, Putin is desperate to pull out some sort of win in Ukraine, because anything else is the end of his rule, and likely his life.

  • That’s some blatant Russian propaganda there. Blame NATO twice for Russian imperialism.

    The “Russia had to invade a sovereign nation because they were talking about joining NATO to prevent Russia from invading them” logic has some holes to it.

    The fact that Russia has invaded their neighbors 14 times since the end of the cold war tells you why one of their neighbors would want to join NATO.

    Also, remember that time that Russia shot down a commercial airliner? The Ukrainians sure as hell do. That was the true beginning of the invasion, which is why Ukraine was in talks to join NATO.

    And yes, people have the right to defend themselves. But the Israeli government has locked down the anti-terror propaganda, because Hamas is pretty vile as far as organizations go. It’s why Israel let Hamas grow and become powerful, and why the Israelis paid to keep Hamas in power for the last decade or so.

    As long as Israel can point at Hamas, they have just enough of an excuse to claim their ethnic cleansing is actually just an anti-terror campaign.

    Hamas is a full on terrorist organization, not that all terrorist organizations are bad. Or rather, there are some causes where a terrorist organization is the appropriate response. John Brown tried it. So did Nelson Mandela. But Hamas is a religious extremist terrorist organization. One that has distasteful views, and was sort of put in place by Israel for those views.

    You see what I’m getting at here? Hamas is fucking evil, and Israel has mostly succeeded in making Hamas the face of Palestinian resistance against Israel.

    I doubt many of the original leaders of Hamas are still alive, but that doesn’t matter either when Israel can just lie and say that whoever they kill is Hamas. It’s a bit maddening, and I doubt there’s an answer to it all except for the other Palestinian resistance groups to step up their social media game.

  • Everyone knows Putin invaded Ukraine because he’s a dumbass dictator who started to believe his own propaganda. It’s the dictator trap. Putin surrounded himself with backstabbing yes men by literally killing anyone who wasn’t.

    As to Palestinian resistance. I don’t think Hamas is a good resistance movement. For a whole host of reasons. Which is why the Israeli government has been propping them up since the 80s.

    An unsympathetic resistance movement can do more to damage a cause than not having a movement at all.

    From now until the ethnic cleansing is complete, Israel will call any resistance movement Hamas, regardless of their actual name or beliefs. I’m not sure how to fight that… I don’t think anyone really knows beyond screaming the truth everywhere we can.

    It didn’t work in the 1920s in Europe. But maybe with the Internet… Likely not though.

  • Yeah, while there are dozens or possibly hundreds of flavors of “wicca”. The first tenent is almost always some variation on “do no harm”. Normally phrased something like “as it harms none, do as thou will”… Which is odd phrasing for something written in the last century.

    The main exception is those who follow Crowley. His whole deal was “do what thou will shall be the whole of the law”.

    Crowley was mostly in it for the shock value.

    And again, Crowley’s “ancient wisdom” is newer than the invention of photography. We even have recordings of him speaking.

  • As anyone who has lived in a Rocky Mountain town can say, Distant bullies are pretty bad too.

    But that’s a sort of unique situation. Or it was until Reagan. See, the entire Rocky Mountain range is treated as a sort of internal colony.

    Resources are extracted, but the people who own the companies doing the extraction all pretty much live on one of the coasts.

    And then every store is also owned by someone who lives on one of the coasts.

    This means that any real wealth produced in those states, quickly leaves those states.

    A lot of towns in the area never really had a “down town” in the first place, and with the creation of Walmart and such, no one else gets a downtown either.

    The answer of course is a bigger government. But it has to be free of corporate influence.

    Which might just take a very big government. Like expanding the House and Supreme Court big.

    Both are desperately needed.