• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • How do you upload a snapshot?

    Basically, as you said. Mount the data somewhere and back up its contents.

    I back up snapshots rather than current data, because I don’t want to stop the running containers that read and write from that data. I’d rather avoid the situation where the container is writing data while it’s being backed up. The back up happens shortly after the daily snapshot is made so the difference between current and snapshot data is small.

  • As others have said, with an incremental filesystem level mechanism, the backup process won’t be too taxing for the CPU. I have ZFS set up which makes this easy and I make hourly snapshots using sanoid which also get sent to another mirrored pair of connected drives using syncoid. Then, once a day, I upload encrypted daily snapshots to a bucket in the cloud using restic. Sounds complicated, but actually sanoid/syncoid and restic do all the heavy lifting. All I did is automate their schedules using systemd timers and some scripts to backup the right directories.

  • For caching, are you sure you’re generating enough traffic to benefit from it? Plus, CDN caching’s strength only really comes into play when the users are geographically distributed which isn’t really the case for most self hosters.

    For DDoS check if your VPS host does DDoS protection. Some do and include it for free. I’ve been monitoring my server traffic lately. Since I’ve ditched Cloudflare, I haven’t needed DDoS protection.

    You can still use Cloudflare DNS without redirecting traffic via their CDN. I do that.

    The point about not revealing the IP address is a personal one it seems. I think it indeed does matter if that IP address is if your home, but not so much of it’s of a VPS in some data center. But anyway, this point seems personal.

    However, everything is a trade off and everybody has a personal take on which trade off they want to take. When I was in a similar situation, I ditched CDN proxying via Cloudflare though I still kept them for DNS.

  • My configuration and deployment is managed entirely via an Ansible playbook repository. In case of absolute disaster, I just have to redeploy the playbook. I do run all my stuff on top of mirrored drives so a single failure isn’t disastrous if I replace the drive quickly enough.

    For when that’s not enough, the data itself is backed up hourly (via ZFS snapshots) to a spare pair of drives and nightly to S3 buckets in the cloud (via restic). Everything automated with systemd timers and some scripts. The configuration for these backups is part of the playbooks of course. I test the backups every 6 months by trying to reproduce all the services in a test VM. This has identified issues with my restoration procedure (mostly due to potential UID mismatches).

    And yes, I have once been forced to reinstall from scratch and I managed to do that rather quickly through a combination of playbooks and well tested backups.

  • I expose my services to the web via my own VPS proxy :) I simply run only very few of them, use 2FA when supported, keep them up to date, run each service as rootless podman, and have a very verbose logcheck set up in case the container environment gets compromised, and allow only ports 80 and 443, and, very importantly, truly sensitive data (documents and such) is encrypted at rest so that even if my services are compromised that data remains secure.

    For ssh, I have set up a separate raspberry pi as a wireguard server into my home network. Therefore, for any ssh management I first connect via this wireguard connection.

  • Most open source vpn protocols, afaik, do not obfuscate what they are, because they’re not designed to work in the presence of a hostile operator. They only encrypt the user data. That is, they will carry information in their header that they are such and such vpn protocol, but the data payload will be encrypted.

    You can open up wireshark and see for yourself. Wireshark can very easily recognize and even filter wireguard packets regardless of port number. I’ve used it to debug my firewall setups.

    In the past when I needed a VPN in such a situation, I had to resort to a paid option where the VPN provider had their own protocol which did try to obfuscate the nature of the protocol.

  • Thanks for your reply! One thing I’m struggling with networkd is hysteresis. That is, toggling the interface down and then back up does not do what I expect it to. That is, setting the interface down does not clear up the configuration, and setting the interface up does not reconfigure the interface. I have to run reconfigure for that. I was hoping that the declarative approach of networkd would make it easy to predict interface state and configuration.

    This does make sense because configuration is not the same as operational state. However, what would the equivalent of ifdown (set interface down and remove configuration) and ifup (set interface up and reconfigure) be using networkd and networkctl? This kind of feature would be useful for me to test config changes, debug networking issues, disconnect part of the network while I’m making some changes, etc.