• 21 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Back in the day, my stepdad worked overseas so we found ourselves at the airport quite often. Remember how they used to have those courtesy phones where you pick up, talk to an operator, and ask them to make an announcement in the airport to have someone pickup and connect you?

    My brother and I would go to those phones and request that they page Reverend Maynard James Keenan. Then they’d announce over the intercom “Reverend Maynard James Keenan please pickup a white courtesy phone. Reverend Maynard James Keenan please pickup a white courtesy phone.” Then we’d lose our minds laughing. I don’t know why we thought it was so funny, but hopefully some other Tool fans at the time were walking through the airport and did a double take.

  • Every once in a while, a great tragedy strikes and our government comes together across party lines. Either the polarization is getting stronger or the information cycles are getting faster, because that time is just getting shorter and shorter. 9/11 unified our government for a couple years. Then COVID brought unity for a few months. Then Trump tried to overthrow Congress and hang Mile Pence on January 6, and the government was unified against him for a few days.

    You had Republicans like Mitch McConnell giving a speech calling for unity and preventing “drifting apart into two separate tribes with a separate set of facts and separate realities.” He later went on to say there was no question Trump was practically and morally responsible for the events of the day, but at that point the cooperation was already fading, as he voted not guilty in Trump’s 2nd impeachment. He’s since endorsed Trump for president.

    I guess my point is, if you ever want to pass an amendment in today’s political environment, it’s gotta happen after something shocking happens - and even then you’ve got a few days to get it done at the most.

  • Yeah I had a Facebook friend say “This will be unpopular, but I disagree with the two tax breaks being proposed by both candidates.”

    It had me scratching my head. I’ve yet to hear Trump propose an actual policy about tax breaks. I heard him ramble about shit and then the media sane-washes it into a policy.

    For example, not too long ago Trump said to some CEOs that he’d like to get the corporate tax rate to 20% because it sounded like a “nice, round number”. That is an absolutely insane way to set a tax rate.

    But the media took it and ran with it and you saw headlines all over the place about Trump’s super serious tax policy. Saying “20% sounds nice” isn’t a fucking policy!! There was no thought or planning to see the impact of such a rate. Just “yeah that sounds nice”. Fuck this guy and people that cover up for his ramblings.

  • I’m glad they’re doing it. This sane-washing shit drives me crazy. You constantly see headlines saying things like “Trump proposes new policy making guaranteeing sunshine and rainbows for everyone” when in reality, a Trump supporter asked him about lowering food prices and he went in a 15 minute rant that included him saying “and I am the best at sunshine, the sunshine loves me… and don’t even get me started at the rainbows… my communist opponent hates rainbows but not me, the rainbows said ‘sir, you are the best at sunshine and rainbows, more than anyone has ever seen’.”