Well said!
I shouldn’t be surprised, but I’m still processing this.
Well said!
I shouldn’t be surprised, but I’m still processing this.
Thank you for sharing that.
This is crazy and extremely moronic on her part.
And interesting how she saw fit to wear a yellow star on that occasion. Seemingly likening being banned from a social networking platform to being the victim of genocide.
Thank you for posting this.
That Space Karen is so weird. Very creepy.
It must hurt having one’s face eaten by a leopard.
That explains the recent news.
Meanwhile, let’s all be sure to vote.
Putin must be so proud of his Republican henchmen - especially this traitor of democracy.
I appreciate every bit of good news, no matter how little, how late. Hoping the genocide can somehow end…
This man is a serious threat to democracy.
I hope all terrorists get what they deserve.
I hear you, this was news to me - taken from the Wikipedia article on all the rightfully pissed off artists:
In May 2020, Axl Rose opposed the use of the Guns N’ Roses cover of the Paul McCartney and Wings song “Live and Let Die” in a meatpacking plant where Trump refused to take the COVID-19 pandemic precaution of wearing a mask. In response, Rose created shirts with the phrase “Live N’ Let Die With COVID 45”, with all proceeds going to the MusiCares charity.
Oh my goodness, that is quite a list! Thank you for sharing.
It’s an appropriate label, really. And I’m certain he’s very correct about his concerns.
Does anyone remember that time that Felon Drink Bleach unclassified certain evidence and, by great coincidence, Russian sources began to disappear?
Empathy and, perhaps also, the realization that we are an interconnected species that is greater than, say, any single faith or cultural association.
But I’m just wildly speculating here.
Respectfully begging to differ, I think he did demonstrate solid self-control by not posting such a picture.
Further, I think he was just expressing his disgust for obscene wealth.
That’s an excellent point. For this oligarch and all others.
I will never forget Rachel Corrie.
This is an outright attack on democracy - and something that a majority of conservatives are in support of. It’s very shameful. I’m very grateful that schemes such as this have been exposed.
Good riddance, Tenet Media - and also Blaze Media. Good riddance.
It’s incredible to what lengths this racist and his cohorts went to bring harm unto others. Notably, immigrants who gave up all they had because of great desperation.
Imagine if you will, going from one hell and entering another where people like Thomas Birley placed flaming bins by the hotel exit door. Subsequently adding wood to fuel the fire further.
And if this doesn’t go far enough to demonstrate the trauma he and his fellow racists wrought, the hotel staff’s reaction might lend some insight on that:
The judge Jeremy Richardson KC heard how 22 staff in the hotel barricaded themselves into a panic room using freezers and “thought they were going to burn to death”.
If I’m not mistaken, the attackers were using this URL for Reliable Recent News - which appears to be seized indeed:
This reference is found on page 50 of the following lawsuit by the United States of America versus “certain domains”:
Interesting how the malign actors are colloquially referred to as “Doppelganger”.