• InfiniteGlitch@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    7 months ago

    Since when is it an insult to call people what they are? They are doing the nearly the same thing - if not the exact same thing.

    Israel is doing:

    • Stealing land
    • Ethnic cleansing
    • Genocide
    • Calling Palestinians rats, animals and more cruel things
    • Wanting to erase the entire Palestinian race
    • Lying to the world
    • They think they are “superior” than Palestinian people
    • They think and say that Palestinian people are, they “inferior” race
    • Apartheid
    • Sent Palestinian people jail/ prison for no reason (even kids)
    • Beat Palestinian people for no reason or provoke to “get a reason”

    Does these things ring a bell? I’m sure it does because the Nazis were doing the same thing.

    There’s an image which shows the very similarities between Nazis and Israel government. Certainly, I’m not allowed to show it because you will delete it.

      • InfiniteGlitch@lemmy.dbzer0.com
        7 months ago

        It’s perhaps not helpful. I can also come up with reasons why Palestinians could be called nazis. Literally the only difference is that they’re not winning. So if Israel is 1939s nazis, Palestine is 1945s nazis. But how does calling them nazis exactly help?

        First of all you are currently calling all the Palestinian people Nazis and not just Hamas. Do realize the Palestinian people just want to live. They want to have rights, normal live circumstances, a home, a land and they want to be with their family. All of that the Israeli Government took away from them, brutally.

        Claiming that the only difference between them is ‘’that they are not winning’’ is such an ignorant statement.

        So Israel became an actual state in 1948 by displacing 750 000 Palestinian people and murdering many (men, women and children). Laying sieges, bombarding village and population centers, setting fires to homes, properties and good. Planting mines among the rubble to prevent any of the expelled people from returning (source: The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine by ilan Pappé).

        Now Hamas did not exist until 1987, they became an actual group only in 1987 because of all the actions Israel had done from 1948 up until 1987. Which is approximately 39-40 years after what Israel had done to the Palestinian people.

        Racism, Apartheid, illegal settlements, unfair laws for the Palestinian people and sending people to jail/ prison for the smallest thing or no reason at all. Beating Palestinian people for no reason or provoking the Palestinian people to beat them. It got worse by the day, week, months, years and decades.

        From this we can also conclude that Hamas did not start this but Israel did and that Hamas is fighting back. Just like the Nazis started the war and The Resistance were fighting back.

        They (Hamas) started out by truly just wanting their homeland, homes and rights back. Israel did not allow it and went in brutal. You know what they say right? ‘’If peaceful revolution is not allowed, violent revolution is inevitable’’.

        Israel did not allow it and thus Hamas started to get more violent and violent. Obviously they would, right? Everyone would fight for their rights.

        Calling Hamas or Palestinian people ‘’Nazis’’ is like calling The Resistance from WW2 the bad people. They are basically doing the same thing. Want their homeland and homes back, wanting to live in peace with actual human rights. Why calling The Resistance ‘’Freedom fighters’’ but Hamas ‘’Nazis’’?

        There’s also the mere fact if Israel did not stole the land in 1948, displaced 750 000, murdered many of the Palestinian people – Hamas would not even exist in today’s era.

        Also realize that the majority of the Palestinians in Gaza are women and children. They are not men that want to ‘’erase’’ Israeli people, they just want to live. However with what Israel is doing, you can be certain hatred will grow within the Palestinian children and for that is only Israel to blame.

        I would like to know why you would call the Palestinian people ‘’Nazis’’ and not just Hamas but I do also like to know why you would call Hamas ‘’Nazis’’. Because the only reason Hamas has grown such an immense hatred towards the Israeli people is because what Israel has done for over 75 years to them.

        People often blame Hamas for the hatred and murdering on Israeli people but forget that if Israel never done these things, Hamas would not have existed nor would’ve done these things.

        Hypothetical question to you: What would you have done if a group of people came to your house, murdered some family members (if not all) and threw you in the bathroom for 10 years. You finally managed to escape and you see them?

        If you decide to beat them up or perhaps even kill some of these people and suddenly you are considered the bad person, you are considered the ‘’insane’’ one. They are suddenly the victim and you are the bad one for doing such a thing.

        This is a dumbed-down version of what’s currently happening.

        I condemn both Israel and Hamas but, I do understand Hamas perspective. They want their land, homes and rights back. No matter the cost. The world presidents seem not to give a flying care and thus they will have to do everything to make people care.

        How does it help calling the Israeli Government, Nazis? Simple because that’s what they are. The tick on all the similarity boxes. By calling them out for it, some people will do research and find the similarities. Also it proves that, they turned into the exact ideology they hate.

        EDIT: Had to change something because the format was not right.