• SarcasticMan@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    “First off, I am very smart, maybe the smartest. My uncle was a genius so that makes me a double genius. Kammock Hairsama isn’t smart, how could she be? She isn’t even white. I am white always have been. That bitch Kamala, she is Indian, at least that’s what she says, but I’ve never seen her at a Powwow, have you? Probably not because now she says she is black. I haven’t seen her eat fried chicken. I don’t know what she is maybe no one knows I’ve heard people say that. I don’t know, people say Mr. President you are so smart why don’t you stop the carbon thing with the air like you stopped wildfires by raking the forest? I say you can’t do that, no one can because net zero is fake news. No one has seen a net zero, have you, let me tell you net zero…not a thing. How could you have a net that is zero, nets need to catch things most nets are something like net 400, lots of good nets, great nets maybe even the greatest nets here. No nets zero though no one knows, I don’t know.” - Donald “I’m Worth 2 Packs of Kools in Prison” Trump