I moved here with my dad.
What did you find surprising about moving to America? What’s your favorite thing about Texas/the US and least favorite?
How do you like our food?
That Texas is actually cold. In my mind it’d be a desert like Arabia where it’s hot all day everyday. My favorite thing is that everything is available here, starting from streaming / online services to goods. Least favorite: drugs are commonplace and sort of normalized, in Moldova they’re a huge taboo. Here addiction seems to be a huge common issue. Alcohol laws: in Moldova I have the occasional glass of wine / champagne with my dad since I was 14. Here alcohol is this big wow thing. I like the food, especially Texan BBQ.
It’s true, we love vice in America!
Has adapting to American culture been difficult? Part of me wonders if social media and the global networks have made things easier for people to be exposed to other cultures should they want to be.
I honestly haven’t felt much of a culture shock. Maybe cause I’m white and Eastern European culture is not that “exotic” (different). I felt like I fit right in from the beginning.
Do you think Transnistria will ever be free of Russian control?
What have you enjoyed about the states? What do you find bizarre?
I sure hope so. I don’t know that much about politics. But at least the EU integration referendum passed & Sandu got reelected (thank you Moldovan diaspora). I enjoy the availability of services and goods (both online and physical), all popular artists / movies, etc. have shows, screenings in the country, variety of landscapes and places to travel to, all cultures are present so if you want to learn any language you’ll definitely find some teacher / course / school, etc. Fahrenheit, miles, PM/AM, flying the flag everywhere, lbs, A4-A3 paper format is not a thing, how big all food servings are, how sweet all food / drinks are, etc. things like that.
Fată, îți doresc tot binele din lume, acum că Trump revine la putere. Sper să vă fie bine și să nu pățiți ce s-a întâmplat cu înaintașii voștri în vremea comunismului.
(un vecin din Moldova românească)
Do you stand when you wipe or do you stay seated?