This is dark fantasy/horror story, stylized as an ancient oral legend, which tells the story of a simple man’s journey and gradual descent into darkness - and ascension to power. We tried to give our villain protagonist some psychological and philosophical deep, not just “HAHAHA I am evil and will rule the world!”.

Here is the audio:

If You prefer to read:

I am an author of the text, other guy read it and recorded. We are very interested in Your feedback and discussion.

  • Adeptus@lemmy.opensupply.spaceOP
    1 year ago

    The first one I noticed is in the first paragraph. I’m unsure if it’s a mistake or an obscure word, but when googling the word “pacrossct” I got no related results.

    Oh, it is obvious mistake, there should be just “pact”. I remember correcting it, but it looks like it was not saved or something. I corrected it once again and looks like this time it sticked. Thank you very much for bringing this to my attention.