At least, some of the recent controversies.

    1 year ago

    IMO a good answer and directly adresses my biggest stated problem of “we know stuff goes wrong, but we don’t care about them” (see

    The thing about Madison: if true it’s very concerning, but for now it’s only one person who told about these problems and I don’t know her enough to trust her like that without proof. In contrast: I trust GN and they showed proof

    But that doesn’t mean you should ignore these accusations and I would like to see an answer from LMG.

    This is MY opinion on this matter. Your opinion may vary!

      1 year ago

      Re: Madison, she sprinkled a bunch of non-issues (edit: I don’t mean to downplay the more serious issues she raises! I’m concerned that this would leave room for others to do so) or things that are normal for companies that aren’t super huge- the journal/lined paper debacle for example. Of course the company focused on profit is going to ask you to make do with essentially the same thing. That’s super normal.

      Being asked to manage the OF despite objections isn’t super bad when you are literally hired just to do social media. It’s unpleasant, but most jobs are going to have unpleasant moments. At a similar pay scale, I’ve been required to go into homes where folks had COVID. Coworkers have been shot at. I’ve seen things I really would have preferred not to. No job is perfectly sane in that sense.

      Some of the issues where Madison said “they wanted me to do x and I couldn’t because y” (red footage editing/ram comes to mind) feel like issues where she would be told something, then would vent in her head instead of going “hey, I don’t have enough ram to edit that footage!” - something I’ve encountered a ton with less experienced (in a business sense, not skill) hires.

      The managerial and behavioral issues she brings up are awful but not entirely surprising given the type of folk who stick around there. It indicates a systemic issue and that usually happens due to a lack of oversight and course-correction, or outright malicious management. I’m hopeful that it’s the former.

      Last but not least, she repeatedly states it was her dream job. This is an experience that should hopefully show her to never meet your heroes! Dream jobs usually suck unless you get lucky, because they have lots of rough edges. Hopefully she’s doing something that brings her more joy now.

        1 year ago

        At a similar pay scale, I’ve been required to go into homes where folks had COVID. Coworkers have been shot at. I’ve seen things I really would have preferred not to. No job is perfectly sane in that sense.

        American? Because this is not normal up here in Canada.

          1 year ago

          US yes, but in Canada I’m sure there are many jobs where you are required by that job to do or see things you’d really rather not.

          Ultimately there is some ownership of the situation required- put your foot down and say “no, I’m absolutely not doing that”. If they reprimand you- well, time to look for a company that doesn’t penalize employees for that particular issue.

          Idealizing the employer makes it significantly harder to do that. Hopefully the debacle gave Madison insight/life experience that many people never have the chance to obtain.

            1 year ago

            You’re in here a lot with a vaguely apologetic (on lmgs behalf) and victim blaming attitude. Do you work there or some shit?

        1 year ago

        I feel that your post is belittling a situation that, as narrated, is straight up mobbing and bullying, only acknowledging it in a small paragraph which I feel boils down to a dismissive “awful but only maybe malicious, probably just lack of oversight”, while the rest of your comment tries to find excuses and normalizing something that is not.


        I was asked about my sexual history, my boyfriends sexual history, “how I liked to fuck”.

        I was told that certain issues were “sexual tension” and I should just “take the co-worker out on a coffee date to ease it out”

        I was told I was chunky, fat, ugly, stupid. I was called “retarded” I was called a “faggot”

        My work was called “dogs–t” I was called “incompetent”.

        “I think the reason you try to be funny, is because you lack any other skills.” smiled then walked away.

        I watched co-workers get what I had asked for weeks before they did. It took 2 months to get mine.

        Also apparently some managers didn’t like me because I “hadn’t gotten drunk with them before” Which was said in that haha just jokin (but actually I’m serious) tone

        Are nor normal nor acceptable: for anyone who is in a corporation where this is common place: take a step back and understand that it is not healthy for you, bad power dynamics are a real thing and the abuse of them sometimes can feel normal, especially in small businesses that get a sudden explosive growth. And I don’t even want to go into her self harming to get a day off.

        You can say it was probably a single person, but the lack of action by management with phrases like “change your priorities”, “put on your big girl pants” and stuff like that makes it a Company issue, Company which indirectly accept and endorse that kind of treatment: they being so against unionizing sincerely gets a whole other meaning read under this light.

        The notebook case is self evidence of it all: A small thing that normally wouldn’t be anything important, but compounded with the stressful environment got emotionally distressful. The fact that such a small thing has stayed with her so long should tell you that she was really not in an healthy mental state.

        I don’t personally care about the whole LTT fiasco, as an uninterested spectator it’s fun to watch from the outside and then change channel, a blip in the media world that will most likely blow down in a couple of weeks. But reading how these actions are belittled is really distressing. Bullying is not normal, and it should never be accepted. Ever.

        The full thread for whoever missed it:

        1 year ago

        You can’t force a woman to manage an OF account against her will, knowing VERY WELL what she’ll be exposed to. That’s fucked up.

            1 year ago

            Because the internet is exceptionally shit against women in particular, and because she clearly stated she didn’t want to do it.

            This is kinda basic stuff.

              1 year ago

              She’s just the manager of the account, not publicly facing on OnlyFans. She was asked to complete a task well within her job description, that is not against her will, she is against the job. A before you say looking at genitalia wasn’t in the job description I urge you to look up what facebook moderation is like.

                1 year ago

                The kind interactions (including pictures and such) you get on OF vastly differs what you will get on other platforms. That’s not in the job description.

                And to your last point, she was a social media manager, not a Facebook moderator. How does that compare? Are you intentionally making bad faith arguments?

                  1 year ago

                  Are you intentionally making bad faith arguments?

                  No, lets keep this civil my guy.

                  She is a social media manager, onlyfans is social media regardless of the content that is usually posted. As for the reason I brought up Facebook moderation is, what do you think is usually posted there? Minion memes? Photos from trips? Well those moderators are often subjected to beheadings, rape, and other very graphic content. Do you think that was explicitly stated when they got hired?

                  Of course, Facebook isn’t exactly the premier ‘good place to work’, but this is common throughout any industry that takes submissions for the populous. And I am not making any arguments whatsoever on whether or not she should actually have to see “comments from people talking about how they wanted to fuck me and my co workers.”.

                    1 year ago

                    As for the reason I brought up Facebook moderation is, what do you think is usually posted there? Minion memes? Photos from trips? Well those moderators are often subjected to beheadings, rape, and other very graphic content. Do you think that was explicitly stated when they got hired?

                    No likely not, and Facebook clearly deserves a proper reckoning. But I don’t see how this relates or makes it ok.

                    And I am not making any arguments whatsoever on whether or not she should actually have to see “comments from people talking about how they wanted to fuck me and my co workers.”.

                    Would you say LTT/LMG sells itself as a channel about sex or porn or the likes? No, it’s a tech channel and as such one would expect tech related social media. You could state that the function of the job is unchanged, but the job content is also relevant here.

          1 year ago

          It should have fallen on her manager to handle, and she should have put her foot down on that.

          Other good ways to improve that particular situation could have been separating her identity from the social media accounts, so that it wouldn’t be clear who exactly was managing them. It paints a target on her back as an attack vector (very dangerous due to her lack of experience) and target of harassment. That’s part of why many big brands do not publicize who exactly is managing their social media accounts.

          At the end of the day, management needed to do better and Madison could have pushed back more. It’s just a job, theoretically one she could replace somewhat seamlessly given her capabilities, and the fatal mistake was idealizing it. That probably compounded all of her grievances.

            1 year ago

            It should have fallen on her manager to handle, and she should have put her foot down on that.

            Head of HR is Linus’ wife. Yes, it is that bad. Even telling her manager, would have netted zero result.