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I still wear a mask when going out to stores because I’m immunocompromised due to a kidney transplant. It’s ultimately up to me to protect myself from others but what bothers me most lately are people who either laugh or think I’m stupid for still wearing a mask. Some even go as far as to call me out and shame me for it. Can people just mind their own business? I’m not trying to get them to wear a mask so why are they so fixated on me taking mine off?
I still wear a mask because I stand in soldiartiy with folks like you.
Not only do I want to prevent the spread of the disease that could kill immune compromised folks like yourself, but it also helps normalize mask wearing.
thank you
warning potentially big emote
Ooh spoilering emotes until that bug gets fixed is a good idea.
Finally a fucking cool person
Sincerely and from the bottom of my immunosuppressed heart: thank you.
Seriously thank you, thank you, thank you.
Genuinely, I think it’s probably because they feel a little guilty when they see you wearing one, and that’s uncomfortable for people, so they respond by taking it out on you.
A while lot of liberalism and liberal
involves feeling uncomfortable about someone else caring too much in a way that isn’t convenient for treat consumption.
“feeling uncomfortable about someone else” that’s what fascism is dear. Conservatives so are so uncomfortable about what people have in their pants and what they do with it that they want to ban people from talking about transgender and sexuality topics
Maybe you’re new here, but fascism and liberalism are two sides of the capitalist coin. Liberals stopped masking almost the instant Biden set foot in the White House, despite the fact that 2/3 of covid deaths occurred while Biden was office (liberals will also excuse Biden’s “inaction” while claiming that Trump, who occupied the same office, was a tyrannical authoritarian totalitarian dictator who ran roughshod over the hallowed institutions of our precious democracy). Capitalism is a death cult, workers should run the world, not bourgeois scum and their running dogs.
You’re such a fucking idiot. 😂
it must be embarrassing to be a child amongst adults
It’s actually embarrassing seeing what garbage the human race has produced where we actively try to regress instead of progress… but yeah, whatever helps you sleep at night sweetheart. 😂
It’s actually embarrassing seeing what garbage the human race has produced where we actively try to regress instead of progress… but yeah, whatever helps you sleep at night sweetheart. 😂
fascism and liberalism are two sides of the capitalist coin
Oh, look, a HexBear dipshit in the wild! I wonder how we can figure them out so easily!
This is “both sides are bad” bullshit, a destructive force from apathetic people. Don’t listen to this shit. Vote every year, twice a year!
The people pointing out both sides have dogshit covid policy are not the ones not being apathetic. It’s the liberals who all went back to brunch and demanded everything re-open.
Gaslighting is telling people that Covid isn’t a threat even though you know it’s not and you deliberately cooked the books to sell that delusion. Gaslighting is telling people you’re supposed to be responsible for governing that a vaccine that was never shown to stop the spread of a disease does, in fact, do that. Gaslighting is telling people that you must personally assess your own risk to a collective, public health crisis with the paltry tools that have been provided, then strip away or sabotage every last one of those tools so they cannot provide even a sliver of usefulness to anyone but the most bad faith interpretations.
All of these things are things both Amerikkka’s fascist wing and liberal, fascist-enabling wing have done and are currently doing (if they’re not outright ignoring it). To anyone with a pulse, there is no meaningful difference, and indeed they are so often intertwined.
Also, Marx was based.
You’re gaslighting. His post was bookended with political critiques on how fascism and liberalism are the same thing, with a poor attempt to use COVID to prove his point.
Also, he’s a Marxist, a political ideology so successful, it’s produced countless fascist regimes.
Vote every year, twice a year!
lmao this really is all politics is to shitlibs
The fact that we care about life more than the blood altar of capital tends to make it easy to find us. And remember: losing ideological battles online is but a prelude to losing such battles in the real world.
Edit: imagine thinking that voting every few years for bourgeois puppets equals democracy. Real democracy is practiced in every home, school, and workplace every day by every person. Liberals don’t want to hear this, though, because they tend to do poorly when everyone everywhere is able and willing to participate in a truly democratic society 😉
If you want to really see how democratic the USA is, try forming a union in your workplace. Try protesting in a way that inconveniences capital. Try going to a city when you have no money or connections. Try speaking publicly about how Biden has given $75 billion+ to Ukrainian Nazis. Then see just how amazing and democratic life in the USA really is.
And yes, both sides are definitely bad, as evidenced by the fact that by any objective measure, everything in the USA is worse than it was when Trump was president. But thankfully there’s a third side called Marxism. If it didn’t work and it was really such a failure, then you wouldn’t be panicking daily about China’s rise. And if China is not actually communist, I assume you would have no issue with the CPC taking over the USA, since the result would be the same, right? Whatever human rights issues they supposedly have pale in comparison to the multiple ongoing genocides perpetrated by the USA’s ruling class. The Iraq War alone—supported by both American liberals and fascists—is far worse than anything the Nazis in the CIA say that China has done.
I do vote every year and have since I turned 18
Last year I wrote in names for every candidate
here's who I voted for
There’s more than two political ideologies. The person you’re replying to isn’t talking about American political parties.
There’s a lot of history and theory about how different ideologies, especially liberalism and fascism, interact with each other. This is what they were making reference to.
Biden’s been in office 2.5x as long as US covid was a thing under Trump.
I agree Biden has decided to throw some lives in the chipper to keep REITs and employers happy, but the “twice as many deaths under Biden” stat is empty ragecalories.
Someone called me a libtard under his breath, but loudly enough to make sure I heard…in a CANCER center, where many of us were having our immune systems weakened by chemo.
You can’t fix stupid so I don’t even try. I’ve been in remission for almost two years, I’m healthy and he’s out there sucking in viruses. We both have ticking clocks, but mine is ticking much more slowly than his is.
Get a ventilator. Make them afraid
This is why I started exclusively wearing kn95s because it became clear after a time that people simply don’t give a shit about anyone except themselves, they don’t care if you or I get covid and die.
So I stopped pretending like I’m doing my part since we all know surgicals and cloth masks are only truly effective if everyone else is wearing them. They know too but choose to fuck us anyway. So fuck them too and protect yourself first. Wear your p100 respirator with the exhaust vents that filter nothing for extra vindictive points
Same. I never stopped wearing a mask because I’m immunocompromised from my lung transplant. People call me names all the time. Even here on Lemmy.
I find this hard to believe. Especially considering that your post history shows you calling others names like ‘simp’.
Wonder why these comments replying to me were removed…
It’s real bad. Fun fact: I am very big, and I’ve worn straight up gas masks at some points during the pandemic, and no one has ever said anything to me. Plague rats are real brave as long as they’re pretty confidant there won’t be consequences. It’s gross.
Yes, I wouldn’t describe my as very big but I’m not small and the number of people who look like they’re going to say something and then reconsider it when they take a second look at me… cowards. These are people used to bullying those they can bully without consequence.
Honestly, I am not immunocompromised and I still wear a mask because I haven’t gotten sick since the pandemic started, and it even helps my sinus’ when I’m cleaning the house. I’ve never been one to worry about what someone thinks of me, so I’m sorry if this comes off as tone deaf, but fuck ‘em. Why should you care about what they think about you? When was the last time you thought about that person who was doing something you thought was strange in the local mart? I will assume not until I just made you think about them. Live your life as safely as you want. For every moron out there trying to make fun of you (they can try, but ultimately they themselves just look foolish and stupid) there are more like me and the others who wear masks alongside you. Stay safe and have a good rest of your day!
it even helps my sinus’ when I’m cleaning the house.
One of the best parts about having a bunch of cloth masks from early in the pandemic is they’re great for cleaning. I wear one when I clean my cats’ litterboxes every day.
I wear N95s outside the house, but cloth masks have still proven useful.
Our track record dealing with covid shows us that our approach was largely unsuccessful. Masking must be enforced, not suggested. This is the only effective solution.
And we can concentrate those who refuse in special camps!
We can tell them to make a real argument or expect no acknowledgement
This but unironically
Remember 1984 where they all had to wear masks?
We also need lockdowns where people are supported in staying home long enough to eliminate the virus, regular and updated testing, updated vaccines, free high quality accessible healthcare, and changes to make workplaces safe - like letting people work from home; changing in-person work to be socially distanced, and unlimited paid time off so people can get medical care when they need it.
The number of big babies who huffed and puffed at being asked to not stand on other people’s feet. Unreal. As if keeping 6ft distance from complete strangers in the supermarket is a major request. Like, why do you need my body heat we don’t even know each other.
You are very, very wrong.
Read this review. https://www.cochrane.org/CD006207/ARI_do-physical-measures-such-hand-washing-or-wearing-masks-stop-or-slow-down-spread-respiratory-viruses
People like you shouldn’t live in the west. Fuck forcing people to wear a face rag when the science is far from clear on its effectiveness.
Curb your pseudo science. Use a real source.
Look at the date you dumb fuck. Then recognize that the Cochrane review is highly respected when it comes to public health science.
You people are ridiculous.
You ever gonna respond to people telling you your posts are a misrepresentation or are you just gonna call people dumb fucks? Kinda hard to trust someone posting like this.
I tend to agree, but realistically who is going to enforce it? You’ve got to take into consideration the impact the constant stream of conflict has on low level employees who end up responsible for this enforcement. For those who want to protect themselves, N95 masks are highly effective when used properly.
who is going to enforce it?
In an ideal world, the community. In our current world, the government must require businesses to require customers to wear masks and social distance, and threaten them with suspending their business if they do not comply.
the impact the constant stream of conflict has on low level employees who end up responsible for this enforcement
It will not be constant. Places where this was enforced strictly did not have that trouble. It is the wishy-washy enforcement that empowered people to do this. It will be a short lived protest that dies out quickly, and the suffering will be far easier than that of covid deaths.
For those who want to protect themselves, N95 masks are highly effective when used properly
From my understanding, it is not enough. A person sharing a public space with you and not wearing a mask poses a threat, and this threat is massive if they are carrying the virus (even if non-symptomatic).
People must not have the freedom to cause the death or others by spreading respiratory viruses due to childish irresponsibility because their favorite youtuber said so.
Love seeing your dumb ass post the same redacted study over and over and over again.
It’s not redacted you dumb ass.
Masking must be enforced
How authoritative. Personal responsibility is the answer. Not forcing others to your level. If your threat level is that high, ok that is your choice. However everyones threat level to this thing should take into account that not everyone in your community will be on the same page as you.
Unless you want another trucker convoy emerging, I suggest not forcing any mandates. Enforce any mandate on yourself, but only yourself.
Personal responsibility is the answer if the question is, ‘Would you like to contribute to millions of unnecessary deaths and further countless suffering?’ It clearly doesn’t work as a public health strategy.
There is no need for a public health strategy. This idea that we all must bubble wrap the world is insane. Germs and viruses will always exist. Do what is best for you stop getting mad at others who have different threat models than you.
I wish everyone used Linux, but I know that will never happen. I use Linux and will help anyone that wants to use linux and thats were it ends. I move on and am happy being a Linux user. I do not expect the government to force the population to use Linux to make a more digitial secure and private society, that will be insane and will piss off most of the population. Mandates are no different.
If we took this approach to those other germs and viruses that you mention, quality of life and life expectancy would plummet as fast as infant mortality shot up. There’s nothing special about Covid in that regard except that it needs more respect than many other issues.
Edit: I edited my comment because I was a bit rude. I apologise for that.
The world will always have a hint of danger, and germs and viruses are included in this mix. Life expectancy did not increase due to public compliants to health measures, it increased due to things like soap, showering/bathing every day or two instead of every few months and the standard for hygeine in factories like meat plants. And medicine has come a long way to cure old nasty diseases.
Edit: I edited my comment because I was a bit rude. I apologise for that.
Don’t know what you said but I do appreciate the apology.
I know what you’re saying. But basic hygeine, etc, work against some illnesses while other health scares require different strategies (as well as good hygeine). I think we may be talking at cross purposes, working with very different models of the world and of what’s possible.
If COVID was as bad as it was advertised. We would of seen the results in the world, and therefore people would voluntarily take the appropate percautions. No need for state intervention. If the pandemic was bad and the state did nothing about it, except maybe advise some caution which is how Japan mostly handled the pandemic, people will do what is nesissary.
Why does politics have to get involved? Because the government got so involved in the pandemic, that why it became politicial. Sometimes ignoring a problem like a virus you cannot really control is the best course of action and it will take care of itself in a grassroots sort of a way.
No one must have the freedom to cause the death of other people by spreading lethal respiratory viruses, only because they failed to comply with every one of the million warnings about covid-19 and masks. Just because your favorite youtuber told you masks are bad does not give you the right to murder people. This behavior must be stopped at all costs, and I do not care what you think of it.
By going outside and interacting in the world will always have the risk of danger, injury, illness and death. The modern world is the most safest envoriment that have ever existed.
If restrictions do return, it will only cause more division and more protests. The trucker convoy that started in Canada was a response to the government overreach in Canada and across the west since politicians and the media were treating the population at large like children.
We are adults (And I assume you are also an adult), and therefore we can make our own decisions. You can wear a mask. Your kids if you got any can wear a mask. You can refuse to spend time with others who do not wear masks, you can refuse to work at a job that makes masking optional, you can refuse to shop at places that refuse to enforce a mask policy.
This behavior must be stopped at all costs, and I do not care what you think of it.
Alright, but many people do not care what you think and will disregard your strict stance on the matter. Not because they are “murderers” which is quite a claim to make, but because everyone has their own threat level. My advice is, include the fact many other people do not care about your threat model and not force your threat model onto every one else. The world does not revolve around anybody.
The CCP has entered the chat
You are an absolute virus factory, you should never be allowed outside again. You stay home forever, we’ll bring your food don’t worry. We can’t take the chance of your germs getting out again.
Hehe fun story. Anyways where’s the argument? A
People were such dimwits about it though. Even if you had a security guard at the entrance to every shop challenging people to wear properly fitted n95s, I’m certain heaps of people would remove it after they walked past just on principle.
The American culture is uniquely garbage because of the unique history of having a frontier for self serving pieces of shit to murder a patch of land empty for themselves and assert their right to tell everyone to fuck off. When the frontier was exhausted the homestead became the small business. When the small businesses were absorbed, “you can’t tell me what to do” became having a big truck and eating hamburgers with the motivation of spite.
We’re also uniquely garbage because our nation was founded by a bunch of religious zealots who pissed off everyone in Britain with their dickishness so much that they were told to fuck off and be assholes somewhere else.
You clearly haven’t read anything about the American revolution. Stop spewing your bullshit in an attempt to elevate your holy thank everyone mantra. Have you heard of taxation without representation? The stamp act? Freedom of expression?
If you think the British had it right and the American colonies were in the wrong, you are clearly ignorant. The constitution of the US, once it was formed, reshaped the entire world in a more positive way.
Ah, you are upset it isn’t authoritarian enough for your tastes?
The most expansive police and military state that’s ever existed? Are you high?
Yeah it was a shitshow, all because of how politicized it became. No one in 2018 would have thought that asking people to wear a face mask would become such an embarrassing ordeal.
But trust me, it’s easy to catch a mask less person in a store. It shouldn’t take more than a couple incidents before they learn their lesson and make an example for others.
“Police are bad unless it is to arrest people over a mask”
Thanks for coming over from reddit
Police are bad because they don’t serve the interests of the community
So? Just remove them once they get inside
You people need to be stopped, you are insane autoritarians. The crisis is over, we are but fin to wear mask forever. You had your time in the lime light, now it’s back to normal. Continue to abuse this position and you will not get the population to mobilise again to alleviate the situation.
The crisis is over
That’s the thing. It isn’t.
It will never ever be under your criteria
your criteria
you mean, science?
Oh YOU are “Science” now ?
No, but the criteria are determined by science. You should check it out, that science stuff is real neat if you haven’t heard of it before.
I prefer to believe the planes stay in the sky because of the druid rituals on the solstices.
Once again we see the abled throwing tantrums over the idea of having to suffer a mild discomfort so as to protect the lives of the disabled, especially the immunocompromised.
I have an aunt whose immune system has to be medicated into nonexistence at all times so it doesn’t wreck her body, and she is still fucked up from covid, months after “getting over” it and with multiple vaccine shots beforehand. How many people have you killed or left permanently ill, and never realised, in your selfish ignorance?
If there were any divine justice in this world, idiots like you would be smote with horrible autoimmune diseases or total organ failure, forced to go on anti-rejection drugs for the rest of your lives, and live with the same fear you force on others, the fear that any “harmless” disease could be the death of you.
Your aunt would have to protect herself covid or no covid. Do you think microorganisms only appeared in the last 5 years?
Your last paragraph shows your true self and how “caring” you truly are.
Stop bringing up imaginary malingerers to make your point, it’s as ridiculous as your magical man in the sky delivering justice
imaginary malingerers
People exist outside of your suburban bubble, you laughably sheltered liberal ghoul.
your magical man in the sky delivering justice
Out of nowhere you just voluntarily announced you’re a
style New Atheist with all the baggage of unearned arrogance that comes with.
Stop spitting on everyone around you gross person
Who let you out of your bubble wrap ? Get back inside !
I’m literally touching grass while writing this
I wish the “touch grass” thought terminating cliche could be retired; it seems to be the go-to for “normalcy” obsessed treatbrains that want to go back to brunch with no restrictions.
Protecting other people from death and disability is authoritarian.
we are but fin to wear mask forever
Guy there are better vaccines and anti-virals out there. Literally NO ONE is asking you to “mask forever”.
I want to share my experience as a disabled person, because I think it’s very easy to simply not notice our non-existance:
I don’t exist anymore. I’m a hermit. It’s been years since I’ve done anything in public. I go to the rheumatologist, I go to a lab to get blood tests, and once a year I get an x-ray to make sure I don’t have TB. I don’t do anything else. There’s about a two week period where being outside isn’t some unbearably high or low temperature that exacerbates my condition.
Please care about covid. Just, please. Do it for people like me if that helps you, but mostly do it for yourself. This virus can make you like me and it’s miserable (I was sick before Covid, but Covid is known to trigger autoimmune conditions which are the primary cause of my suffering).
Hi there - I am also immunocompromised and have 2 exciting autoimmune diseases. I work in an office every day (actually a lab, but regardless).
Your behaviour is not normal, and you should seek therapy so you can enjoy your life!
But fuck it, let’s all just return to the office anyways. Amirite? SMH
Zero chance anyone does this
The commissary on Air Force bases were still requiring it months after most people stopped wearing them. I can absolutely see that happening again and actually being enforced.
Not until the Covid denying and downplaying Biden is gone
Love being immunocompromised knowing I am just meat for the capitalist grinder
I hate scepticism over vaccines, but when it has just been announced that vaccines can be sold to the public for around £100 each, and then this comes along. They say ignore how many are being admitted to hospital as other consequences are more dangerous.
I have followed the hospital rates as a metric for over a year now. I don’t see any other metric as valid. The death rate is reduced as the most vulnerable have been seen off. The reporting rate is non-existent because people are not interested anymore. People are under pressure to attend work with covid now, so why would they bother with the testing kits. Patients in hospital is the most sensible data point to me.
Why are we not being told of which areas are showing the most cases? Covid cases are drastically reduced now. Which hospitals are taking in large amounts of cases?
It would be stupid to take unnecessary risks, but this has a bad smell of fear mongering to sell vaccines around it for me.
scientists warn
Fucking nothing will be done, then.
Unless the strain is killing a sizable amount of people getting it it’ll be hard to get people to wear masks en masse again.
Even if it kills (which it likely will), our track record shows that didn’t care enough about that, and in a decreasing manner. So it’ll only be worse.
Pretty sure every virus has killed people, from the cold, to flu, and of course covid. It feels like now the death rate for the latest variants of covid are pretty comparable to the flu, the virus has lost a lot of its killing power over time.
Death rates aren’t a feeling. I want some hard numbers.
I feel like we just don’t care if we live or die anymore.
Fun fact: the CDC readjusted what the ‘normal’ rate of deaths is to include the years of the pandemic so now it’s harder than ever to find hard numbers because “excess deaths” was one of the last ways to get any information at all!
For the love of god: everyone should ignores what the CDC says. You can see for yourself how many people died from Covid under their watch. They have no morals and they made it obvious by downplaying Covid
Pretty sure every virus has killed people, from the cold, to flu, and of course covid.
False equivalency intensifies
masks do NOT work. Not unless you are wearing at least an N-95 or better mask. More fear-mongering in an election year, surprise surprise. Do not forget to get your lovely vaccines.
N95 work the best but that doesn’t mean other masks do nothing. They still very much reduce risk
this is an article about the UK. Election years aren’t really quite a thing in the UK as the UK parelement’s elections are called whenever the ruling party/coalition calls it as long as it’s within a certain time frame (in this case by 2025) and it’s highly unlikely for them to call for sooner than they have to as the Torries aren’t exactly polling well
I keep wearing N95s. Haven’t gotten COVID yet and not feeling like playing the Long COVID roulette. I don’t work 9-5 in an office so I don’t even have to wear a mask for very long periods of time. Buses, stores require it, but there’s plenty to do outside anyway. Patios are fine. Need to take a leak? Put the mask on. No one from my circle has caught it yet. Honestly this protocol isn’t that bad.
It’s like once “their guy” gave them the ok, everyone started licking doorknobs again. Why couldn’t we keep this “social distancing” thing going? I liked my personal space.
Masking is not an effective solution. Anyone that propagates this shit is just doing it for clicks at this point.
Have you read the highly respected Cochrane Review? https://www.cochrane.org/CD006207/ARI_do-physical-measures-such-hand-washing-or-wearing-masks-stop-or-slow-down-spread-respiratory-viruses
Read the review. It’s the most comprehensive post pandemic study from a highly respected journal. They clearly state the following:
There is uncertainty about the effects of face masks. The low to moderate certainty of evidence means our confidence in the effect estimate is limited, and that the true effect may be different from the observed estimate of the effect. The pooled results of RCTs did not show a clear reduction in respiratory viral infection with the use of medical/surgical masks. There were no clear differences between the use of medical/surgical masks compared with N95/P2 respirators in healthcare workers when used in routine care to reduce respiratory viral infection. Hand hygiene is likely to modestly reduce the burden of respiratory illness, and although this effect was also present when ILI and laboratory-confirmed influenza were analysed separately, it was not found to be a significant difference for the latter two outcomes. Harms associated with physical interventions were under-investigated.
If we can’t settle the issue after a 2 year pandemic, I highly doubt it will ever be settled by science.
Masking is political theater and is ultimately a matter of expressing your tribe at this point. Alternatively, we could think of people who wear masks today as leaning more heavily towards social humanism and hive mentality (society over the individual), where non masks proponents lean towards liberal humanism (in the sense of freedom of the individual, that is, personal liberty).
Given that the science is inconclusive about masks, and even suggests that they are not effective, it’s about time that news outlets drop the topic. If you want to wear a mask, then do it. But don’t force anyone else to or suggest that governments should regulate it.
COVID is over. New shit will come. Masks won’t be the solution.
Edit: downvotes without any proper rebuttal. Classic tribalism at all cost despite the truth.
Reading and understanding are not the same things.
Here’s Cochrane’s rebuttal: https://www.cochrane.org/news/statement-physical-interventions-interrupt-or-reduce-spread-respiratory-viruses-review
I’m losing my mind that this person is constantly going
And then you point out that cochrane did not say that, and have emphasised the opposite. And they ignore this as if its fake news 😂
Wear a Mask. Get vaccinated. Stop spreading misinformation
Since the anti-mask/vax comments seem to be flooding in, figured I’d make my opinion known too… as obnoxiously as I can, because apparently that’s how it’s done
I came here because I was tired of seeing this garbage on reddit all the time. How long are you going to let yourself be scared?
I’m not sure. Perhaps until we devise an effective preventative vaccine or, at least, a working strategy to prevent long Covid?
What do you suggest instead?
So who do you think is behind this? Big mask?
lol what a stupid fucking take.
The government could announce a volcano evacuation and you stupid fucks would be like “how long are you babies gonna be scared?” as you walk into the burning hot lava.
Fucking ridiculous.
How absolutely moronic. Hey, malaria has been around since Ancient times. How long are you going to let yourself be scared of that? Go to the nearest swamp and see if you can attract some mosquitoes, bro.
The lesson I’m learning is that we should have worn masks during “flu season” all along. In crowded and poorly ventilated spaces at least. It’s a cheap and easy measure and I don’t know what the BFD is with masks.
What crosses over into idiot territory is the people who think it’s a conspiracy that the flu kinda went away as we all tried to stop getting covid
As if it’s for some other reason other than stopping the spread of something that has identical transmission
The lesson I leaned is that as long as it’s not a COVID everyone is dying, we need to save our healthcare system from collapsing situation we shouldn’t wear masks because we need to be able to fend off common colds with our body or we are artificially creating a pandemic. For example we almost had a new collapse of infant care because way to many babies for a certain flu type after everything opened up again which would normally spread out over longer periods.