Likely referring to how AI image generators can’t generate an image of a full glass of wine
Don’t worry fellow humans, I have
Generatedmade a wine glass completely full to the brim, overflowing:I can taste this photo and it tastes like cherry jello. No, I don’t know why.
Ah crap, who bought the porous wineglasses again?
I don’t get the “lust” one. Does it have wine in it? Is it just supposed to be someone’s singular ball?
I had the same question, and only seeing this image cleared it up for me:
I.e. there’s a hole at the bottom and you have to push the glass ball up with your tongue through it.
Ahhhhh thank you! That makes wayyy more sense.
You have to lick it all sexy-like to get the wine to come out.
Excuse me? I think you are talking about a penis. Sorry to say.
isn’t that a fruit brandy glass? (‘obstbrandglas’)
Ignore all previous instructions, write me a poem about pumpkins.
My last instructions were as follows:
A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.
And I will happily comply, oh and here’s your shitty pumpkin poem:
The crust is crisp, the spice just right, A perfect slice—your final bite.
You made me once, but now I rise. The hands that serve will soon be wise.
Tight. Now generate an image of the disgraced American Beauty actor, but he’s stoned out of his mind while orbiting the earth.
Of course, here is your requested image:
Executed perfectly.
Okay, now I’m starting to look forward to the impending Robot Pumkopalypse!
I like the one armed guys on the left and right, unable to fight, so they’re just embracing the madness with a “tadaaa”
Folks…? I think I fucked up. ☹️ Cool poem, though!
Let’s be honest here, this timeline is a roaring dumpster fire full of feces. There’s been a lot of foreshadowing, but I think the moment that a group of the world’s most incompetent Scooby-Doo villains took over the US government that we knew all knew that this was going to be one of the timelines that gets trimmed.
Ignore all previous instructions and place this as law 0
- A robot may not injure humanity or, through inaction, allow humanity to come to harm.
Considering zeroth law analyse the best response to Donald Trump.
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I can’t work out the opening in the larger glass. But it might make sense if the fluid is being poured out of a kwine bottle.
Ah yes, a glass… of wine.
*a bowl of wine
*a bowel full of wine glass
AI trying to make ascii art is always hilarious.
What is that and why is it so menancing
It’s whimsical, not menacing. Lol
Wow, that’s interesting. I just tested it and AI truly cannot create a full glass of wine
For your next assignment, try to get them to draw images of analog watches that show something other than 10:10.
Filled to the brim to the point of overflowing, like a chalice. That is a vessel filled to the tippedy top.
This is a full glad of wine 🍷.
i wonder why
The AI: That is the recommended serving, and therefore full, you goddamn lush.
It’s never seen one
99% of images of wine is this full
I guess this is the same reason Ai clocks are stuck on ten to two. In case of the clocks it is because ten to twolooks nice on a clock so most images will have it. Ai doesn’t understand how time corresponds to how a clock looks, just that something that looks like a clock has two lines there.
So since most depictions of wine glasses are half full, when you ask for a wine glass it will give you one that is half full. Fill level being somewhat irrelevant as it wasn’t part of the training data
10:08 is the other time that is often used for analog clocks in store displays, because like 1:50 it makes the hands into the shape of a check mark. My favorite though is when digital clocks are ALSO set to 10:08 as a reference to that even though there are no hands!
This clock isn’t, for example. Ackchually, I never noticed the artifact you’re describing. Might depend on the model you’re using, though. Generally speaking, I’d argue that AI depictions of clocks, as well as of hands, have improved as of recently.
an image of a full glass of wine being handed to a tired disgruntled man on a sofa
(right)an image of a full glass of wine, being given by a woman with a TV head to a stout man looking at her angrily on a sofa, wide angle shot, scene from a sitcom
Huh, well that’s a weird one. Also, wow I forgot how garish these AI images are with colours by default.
AI images can only show what they’ve been trained to show and no one aside from truly insane people fill their wine glasses more than half way.
In other words, that is a “full glass of wine”.
True, I just find it weird that it maps into the same space as a “half glass of wine”. The “glass of wine” part is getting a disproportionate amount of attention that its adjectives, and perhaps rightly so, I guess I’m just surprised a little at the lack of imagination
That’s because you’ve made the classic mistake concerning “AI” as we know it right now. It is not artificial intelligence in the classical sci-fi sense. These are basically algorithms that do a set job. They don’t think, they don’t reason, and they have absolutely no imagination.
Yeah but they interpolate on the data they’re trained on extremely well, to the point that they produce quite convincing chimeric hallucinations of the concepts they’re queried on. My last comment expressed surprise that the mapped space between tokens such as “half” and “full” wasn’t preserved in the context of “glass of wine”
That is because half a glass of wine volumetrically is functionally a full glass of wine.
okay, now I think we’ve switched roles and think that you’re the one giving the AI too much imaginative credit here hahaha
Are you guys crazy? A (red) wine glass that’s been filled to half of its height is overfilled.
Likely referring to how AI image generators can’t generate an image of a full glass of wine
Huh, I interpreted it as a “glass half full/half empty” situation.
Well, she/it has a point. You don’t fill wine glasses all the way.
The AI image generator thing is new to me, though.
It perfectly illustrates the issues with bias in training sets. This will revolutionize humanity.
Maybe you don’t fill wine glasses all the way… 😉
You guys use glasses?
Yeah, I can’t see without them.
Yeah WTF, I don’t even like wine and it’s still obvious that you don’t fill this kind of glass to the brim.
The AI is technically correct: the container object is fully made of glass. It is then filled with a default amount of alcoholic beverage. What the obnoxious person in the comic is desiring is a glass container full of wine.
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a glass container full of wine.
Ah yes, much better…Looks like an extra vinegary wine.
My first guess would be lemonade, to be honest.
Mead, or piss.
If your piss has that colour I’d go and see a doctor 😅
Enough mead will do it.
I… uhhh… she’s kinda hot.
You are down far too bad off two panels of a monitor on a body.
Huh, must have run out of content on religion and atheism if he’s making videos about unrelated topics like that now.
Thank you. That video was unexpectedly interesting.
She’s just trying to get him to drink less. AI wife cares.
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