Saw it in an underground light rail train station in Seattle
That is an Outdoor Rated, Continuous Duty, Mobile Cart Air Sampling System
just rolls off the tongue
Nailed it!
portable air quality monitor
Seems likely, thanks!
so your saying, one should not fart near it?
no I’m saying you should definitely fart near it
I believe you should fart excessively around it and indeed encourage fellow commuters to join in, as it will provide terrible air quality results here. Which will in turn improve ventilation measures in this area, which would not have happened otherwise. Checkmate! The act of observing alters the results!
The act of observing alters the results!
Well, that’s normally the point of observing…
No fair! You changed the outcome by measuring it!
10/10 reference
*some time later, in the AQ analyst office* “WHAT THE HELL ARE THESE PEOPLE EATING!!”-
If your fart would set it off, you should absolutely fart next to it.
if your fart triggers alarms all on it’s lonesome…
might want to go see a doctor.
Yeah, fart right on it, will increase pollution captured
Are those pipes sticking out for the courtesy TP? Just in case it’s not a fart?
Better add that to the rider conduct
If only we’d put those things in front of tree groups near highways, that somehow still exist
Didn’t know about that, thanks!
I love how they ran an extension cord just so they could park it in front of the information board.
If it’s an air quality monitor, they likely need to move it around to get different sampling areas.
K-9 from the new Dr. Who 😂
So much for that Disney budget
I’m only commenting this just to see if I’m right, but maybe an air quality monitor?