I’m a Thai actor. I can’t speak for all actors, but I get paid ~250k baht per episode for a lakorn (TV drama). A typical lakorn has ~15 episodes. I usually do 1 per year. Add to that the salary I get from the TV network to stay with them.
I’m a Substation Designer. 66k USD a year. I work alongside mechanical and electrical engineers to design the physical side of substations, including elevations, conduit and grounding. I have an Associates and I’ve been doing it for almost three years now. I love it.
Softwaere engineer in Switzerland, I work 36h a week, 5 days a week. I start at 8:30 and usually work till 16:30 which gives me plenty of time for my hobbies. Company is fully owned by its workers which is not bad eithet even though 50℅ belong to the top C-suite managers (which they bough from their bosses when they left the company, so the shares do stay with the employees). I make around 110k CHF a year (which is nice as I only pay like 6k in income tax). Pretty happy.
Mental health (masters-level therapist), shit.
Ped psych rn, getting my bachelor’s. $86k for 36hrs a week at a low acuity pediatric suds facility in the Midwest. It’s a therapy led facility, and the therapists got pissed when they realized I make more than them, so they had a riot and now I’m forced to lead therapeutic groups because their caseload of 3.5 kids is “unmanageable” 🙄
I’m paid $60k/year, have a caseload of 70 for 35 hours/week work, and work conditions force me to work 50 hours/week to complete my duties, no additional pay, overtime LOL.
We are not the same.
Software dev for a shipping logistics company. I make $80k with 100% paid decent enough health insurance for me and my family.
I could get paid a lot more, but this week I took a 4 hour lunch to go to the park and play soccer with my kid. I let my boss and coworker know and they both just said to have fun and say hi to the family for them. I do something like that at least 2 times and week and it’s not a problem.
Last week I went to the aquarium on a whim and my coworker decided that sounded fun and brought his kid too. You would have to pay me a lot more money than I’m worth to give up this kind of freedom.
Yup, this is so good to find. The company I work for is so flexible with time. First job I’ve ever had where I’m not micro managed to death on projects and time.
I am a stay at home Dad. The pay is terrible and my boss is extremely immature. Best job I’ve ever had.
Mechanical engineering lead, and I’m at ~130k. About double the median in my area, so pretty comfy. I develop new technologies from initial concept to final products that can be brought to market.
Microsoft 365 Administrator, $130k USD. I only have an Associate’s degree but I have over a decade of experience in the field. Most of my day is spent coordinating with cybersecurity, compliance, and lawyers to ensure our data practices are sound. It’s a constantly-moving target.
What exactly is that? Microsoft 365 is Word, PowerPoint, etc., no? I didn’t know there was anything to administrate.
It’s the enterprise level backend stuff, technical systems management for Outlook, implementing rules and policies, assigning account group memberships, reports, SharePoint administration, etc.
I do tech work for law firms, hospitals, and schools. I make about $150k/yr, but I’m bored out of my skull. I’d like more of a challenge but I’d have to give up my cush to get it.
What are your tasks that bore you?
- Grad student
- Bad
Program coordinator with the local government (civil servant). $65k a year, which I still can’t believe I got. It’s 15k more than what the previous person in my position was getting. I simply asked if it was possible to go higher, and that’s the offer they came back with.
Everyone tells me this means I could’ve asked for much more, but I feel that’s about fair for what I bring to the table. I overperform in entry-level jobs, but I don’t have the time management skills and emotional resilience to do well at higher levels. I’m already hitting my limit barely one year in - but this time, I’ve got a good team, a great manager, and will hopefully have my meds adjusted so I can keep going.
You know, I’m kind of in a similar spot. I get a steady, constant, stable stream of work. I’m not a great groundbreaking actor but always show up on time, am pleasant with the team, try my best for the best outcome, etc. which has led to me having the reputation of being a dependable, disciplined, easy-to-work-with, consistent actor/public figure (which is why I always get gigs). I get told I “settle” a bit too much, for example I had offers from China with lots of money but for personal reasons choose to pass up on them. I’m just comfortable and satisfied with my work as it is and don’t feel the need to reach “higher”.
Yes! All of it, yes! It took me a long time to stop internalizing the “you’re not reaching your potential” message. Being happy where I am is not a bad thing! I’m glad you’re happy too, especially in such a demanding industry. Follow your happiness! 🫡✨
Software engineer in the UK, currently 9 months into making a big fat zero cos nobody’s recruiting, and those that are have stupidly inaccessible offices in city centres.
Software engineer. £75k a year, plus bonuses - last year got £13k (pre-tax) which was nice. Based in the north of England.
Used to make $80k a year (before taxes) as Co-Lead of a Data Analytics department.
Managed databases, did analytics (regular, structured and custom one off SQL queries), reporting, general software development (basically my team and IT, 2 or 3 people, were the only people in the whole org more computer literate than ‘can respond to an email, maybe’), API construction/management, process documentation, coordinated with every other team.
I enjoyed the work, loved my team, though the technical and general incompetence of many other employees was challenging to deal with.
As an example:
In doing process documentation with one team, I interviewed 5 different people on that other team, including their lead, and all of them described completely different processes with maybe 20% agreement…
But, then I got assaulted, crippled, lost my job, got evicted, car got stolen, eventually got SSDI payments to kick in after spending a year homeless (my family are abusive and dysfunctional, my ‘friends’ didn’t care) and now live off of about $22k a year, still recovering, still doing PT.
If Elon and Trump gut Social Security, I’ll die homeless and starving.
The place I used to work at was a non profit housing and aiding the homeless, by the way.
Go Team America.
That first half sounded cool. Then I reached the latter half… Really hope you the best in your recovery.
I push buttons in my basement in my underwear.
Pay is pretty good because I know what buttons to push in what order.
Could be a DJ, gamer, streamer or only fans…
Computer programmer
Close. I talk to the customers so the engineers don’t have to.
Excellent people skills
Apartment superintendent. $62k plus free rent and utilities.